Discover the Remarkable Journey of Tony Losito: From 9/11 Hero to Spiritual Medium and Author Extraordinaire
Tony is the Author of “Woke, The Spiritual Awakening of a 9/11 Rescue & Recovery Worker, and Sacred Obligation, “The Story of America’s Cop”, both available on Amazon.
Tony is also a Psychic Medium & Life Guide. He is Clairvoyant and can see loved ones in spirit who have crossed over, along with Angels, Guides, and Pets. Tony can also (in certain instances), see images of individuals that “will” come into your life or living people who are influencing your life. He connects with his Spirit Guides, Guardian Angel, and your loved ones who have passed and then provides those messages and guidance to you. He provides you with an Angelic reading, Celestial reading, psychic reading, and spiritual resources to help you on your journey. Tony also works as Psychic Investigator to help find Missing and Lost loved ones.
Tony has always possessed these abilities; however, they didn’t become fully awakened within him until he underwent the events of 9/11. His work as a Rescue & Recovery Worker during 9/11 acted as a “trigger point” to fully awaken his gifts and reveal his psychic abilities. Tony possesses all five “Clairs”, the abilities to see, smell, taste, know, and hear.
Tony provides readings and spiritual life coaching virtually (you can book through this site), in person at select locations (Metaphysical shops), and at Spiritual & Wellness fairs across the country. See the events section for times and dates for in-person appearances. You can also book Tony for special events, group readings, and to help find missing and lost loved ones.
Please arrive early and book early for all online and in person readings, as Tony sells out very quickly.
**Please also know that Tony is not a medical professional, psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or licensed therapist, he is retired law enforcement officer, psychic medium and spiritual coach that provides psychic readings combined with spiritual coaching and guidance. Should you require medical, emotional, crisis counseling, therapy, or psychological assistance, please contact a licensed professional or agency for assistance.